Deciding which degree to study
Seven tips to consider when choosing a university course and deciding which degree to study.
Go through the tips and ask yourself each question and talk about your ideas with friends and family.
If you are still unsure, organise to chat online with a career counsellor today.
Let your interests and values guide you
Course content
Do the course details interest you? How is it taught and assessed? Does it offer work placements?
Course and entry requirements
Do you have the skills and abilities required? Are there alternative pathways or bridging courses?
What type of region and environment suits you? Are you able to move to go to university?
What costs are involved? Are commonwealth supported places available?
Is the course accredited by a professional registration body? Which states recognise the degree?
Research the university
Attend the university open day. Are the staff approachable? What are the facilities like?
Employment outlook
Where will the course lead to? Do your values match the potential work environments?
Websites where you can get information about Australian university courses
QILT - Quality indicators for learning and teaching
QILT enables you to do side by side comparisons of institutions and study areas.
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The Good Universities Guide
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